Every Sunday my Twitch subs and I watch Star Trek in my Discord. Here are my reviews and thoughts on each of the episodes as I see it. If you’re curious about a nerd’s views on Star Trek episodes, please read on, I go quite in depth with some of these episodes! I’ve watched some Star Trek before but not all of it!

Note: This isn’t complete yet! We’ve only seen three of the movies. We’re holding Nemesis off until after Voyager is done.

Star Trek: Generations - 2.5/10


The movie starts with like, a 3 minute scene of a bottle flying through space. It feels like they just up and ripped off the opening Myst.

Anyways boom it’s for the Christening of the Enterprise B! We’ve got some TOS characters back with us, Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov. It was GOING to be Bones and Spock with them, but Spock was like “not unless you change the script, because what’s written here, anyone could be saying these lines”. And then they proved it, by replacing them. Anyways, they leave space dock around Mars or whatever, and get a distress call. Some energy field is b lowing up some refugee ships. 3 light years away, but they’re the only ship in range. Did the Borg destroy the entire fucking Federation fleet several years in advance???

Well considering they’re rescuing El-Aurian refugees who are RUNNING from them, I mean, maybe? But nah we don’t gotta worry about where the El Aurians are going.


This entire scene is like, about Kirk wanting to take over the Enterprise, but it’s not his place no more. When the captain needs to do some dangerous engineering stuff, he tries to put Kirk in command but Kirk is like “no, this is your place now, I’ll do it”, which is weird. Are there no engineers on this ship???

Also there’s a cameo, one of the El-Aurians is Guinan! Ah, she’s fleeing her planet, and just now appearing on Earth…. EXCEPT THAT WE’VE SEEN HER ON EARTH IN THE 1800S. My chat had to tell me to “stop thinking”. This is gonna be hard.

Anyways yeah the dangerous situation Kirk put himself into for no reason pays off and he fucking dies. The entire deck he’s on is ripped off, and he’s presumed dead, no body ever found.

78 years later!


One of the ACTUALLY good parts of this movie, a cute scene where they’re all on the Holodeck goofing off to celebrate Worf’s promotion. There is something… weird, though. Data appears stunted, despite being here for 7 years with friends, he doesn’t understand spontinaity and humor in a way that causes him to throw Crusher overboard. Riker is gushing over women. Picard gets bad news and then locks himself in his mind palace, refusing to talk about it.

It’s like all the characters very suddenly reverted character growth they had gained over the past 7 years of their lives. In order to make these characters someone you can get into as a newcomer to Trek, they are dumbed down to their most basic components. Maybe I’m reading too far into it.


Data is like “Clearly my not having emotions is bad cause I hurt a friend, so it is time.” and they pull out the Emotion Chip! Yes, Data originally was like “No I can’t use this cause when I DID feel emotions I was manipulated to hurt my friends”. Now it just makes him hate alcohol. Another actually good scene.

They get a distress signal from a research station under attack. On it they find dead Romulans searching for Trilithium (I know we’ve had Trilithium do something before, it’s new and does other stuff now, don’t think about it), and a living guy, Dr. Malcom McDowell. I mean, Dr. Soran, who we saw at the v ery beginning begging that he NEEDS TO GO BACK, and here he’s… very clearly evil. When he demands to go back on the station to get research, and Picard says no, he gives a weird villain monologue about how time is running out.


Okay, two things about visual things this movie is doing. 1) The lighting is dog shit. Everything is so fucking yellow, or way too dark. Why. It’s like, SHOCKINGLY bad. The only scenes with good lighting were the first scene, and the one where they’re literally outside on a boat. And 2) The costuming. Half of them are wearing TNG uniforms, and half are wearing DS9. Why? Why?????

Data has a scene where he constantly makes jokes. I know big movies need like, a comic relief, but why did they make it Data? The emotional center of the entire cast?? I only have one thing I can say about this.


Anyways woah no way, Soran is evil! He’s actually developing a weapon that blows up suns. He attacks Geordi and Data (who is stunned by fear), and managed to escape with the weapon and Geordi as a hostage as he’s rescued by his benefactors, Lursa and Betor. Y’know, the Klingon sisters. He also tortures Geordi and is like “TELL ME ALL YOU KNOW ABOUT TRI-LITHIUM”. My man. YOU’RE the one who made the bomb. You’re the leading expert. It’d be like me kidnapping the WR holder of Mario 64 and being like “TELL ME ALL YOU KNOW ABOUT TALL: TWINS TOWER.”


We learn more about Soran through Guinan. Apparently he and she were both in The Nexus, a kind of thing that travels in an energy ribbon. It’s “like being inside of Joy” itself. So a Lotus Eaters situation, kinda. Though the details are murky and it kinda makes little sense.

Anyways there’s a stupid situation where they do a prisoner exchange between Geordi and Picard (for some reason they negaotiate with them I dunno why), and Picard goes down to try and negotiate, because Soran is gonna blow up a sun to drag the Nexus towards him, which will also blow up a planet with millions on it.


This scene happens.

The Sisters have hacked Geordi’s VISOR, and wait until he goes into Engineering so they can find out what Shield Frequency they’re at. Then they attack through the shields and blow them the fuck up. Riker is very VERY bad at being in charge (JUST ROTATE THE SHIELD FREQUENCIES, OR FIRE SOME TORPOEDOS RIKER? WHY ARE WE DOING THIS FANCY SHIT WITH THEIR WARP COILS?) but eventually, many casualties later, they manage to blow up the Bird of Prey, killing the sisters. Oh well, our major Klingon villains are dead. I guess now we need to make Gowron a villain now.


Oh no, the attack causes a WARP CORE BREACH! Instead of ejecting the warp core, or like, trying anything, Geordi goes “NOTHING WE CAN DO TIME TO EVACUATE”, and they prepare to seperate the saucer from the rest of the ship. They have to MANUALLY seperate the ship, which uh… is not how that works.

Look, half of this movie can be summed up as “Rick Berman did not know how anything in Star Trek ACTUALLY worked”.

They finally put Troi in charge of piloting the Enterprise btw. And now this happens. (tbf there was no actual helm control)


I really cannot stress enough, it’s really stupid that what is described as a 20 year old junker Bird of Prey beat the Enterprise in a fight (yes they also died but they TOOK OUT THE ENTERPRISE). In an episode, if a Bird of Prey fired upon an unshielded Enterprise, it wouldn’t matter, cause the Enterprise would spin around and blast them the fuck away. Maybe they’d get a few casualties, maybe if they’re LUCKY they hit the warp core and there’d be an ejection. But they’d have to be REAL lucky to get that hit in. But no, here, Riker just kinda spun the Enterprise around and showed them their ass and let them get eight to ten shots in.


I guess none of it really matters though, because Soran shoots a missile to the sun, which reaches it in 5 seconds (I guess it’s going at warp??????), and the wave takes Soran and Picard away, while everyone else is seen, on screen, fucking exploding. Rip to EVERY member of the Enterprise I guess.


Picard is now in the Nexus, living a happy life with a family he never got to have. I guess he’s always wanted to have a Victorian era british family or some shit like that. But he realizes this is wrong. He can leave, though, if he breaks away. And he can go to any time, because time has no meaning, so he’s gonna go back to right before Soran blew up the star. Uh, I’d think maybe go back before that, but whatever works. An Echo of Guinan tells him all this. Though he needs help. Luckily, there’s someone else here in the Nexus with him…


Kirk meeting Picard should have been more exciting.

Anyways, Picard tries to convince Kirk that he needs to go with him to save millions of lives. Kirk is like “fuck that shit I wanna make eggs kiss my wife and ride horses. Because all captains need to ride horses.” Also his wife here is uh, Antonia. Apparently it was SUPPOSED to be Carol Marcus, but Paramount demanded it changed. Why? Why???

Obviously Kirk comes around, because nothing here is ACTUALLY real, nothing matters.


Kirk goes back, and the two of them fight. It’s three old men fighting on a big metal thing. It’s not quite as good as Metal Gear Solid 4, though I would love if Soran kissed Picard in the middle of this. There is a lot of stupid shit in this fight scene. Soran installed a cloaking device on his missile for no reason. Malcolm McDowell gives a really weird expression as he explodes. And THE stupid thing happens. An event so legendary that it changed pop culture lexicon for ALL time.


They dropped a bridge on him.

Apparently Malcolm McDowell took this job EXPRESSLY because he was going to be the man who killed James T. Kirk, which is the best shit, and I love it.


Plot conclusion. Picard finds out that Riker destroyed the Enterprise, which was prolly a big fucking shock. The Enterprise couldn’t be salvaged, but they go aboard the rubble and find what they can. Data saves Spot (also he keeps his emotion chip, which… feels weird cause I feel it never comes up again), and Picard throws some of his important memorabilia away, only collecting a family portrait, cause that’s what’s important I guess, and it also fits the thesis of the movie. And then they leave the Enterprise just sitting there on the planet, forever. Yeah just…. leave Federation secrets sitting on this fucking planet, okay whatever.

This movie is bad! It is not good! Like, duh, it’s really bad. A lot of the ideas of it are just, bad. The major ORIGINAL concept and thesis for this movie is “we need to kill Kirk”. That’s it. That’s the plan. And they fucked even that up. Almost every plot point is very poorly concepted. The Nexus is stupid, Data’s emotions are unpleasant to watch except for a single scene and a bad waste of Brent Spiner acting. They bring back Kirk and don’t give him a big damn hero moment, and no, jumping one foot onto a collapsing bridge does not count as a big exciting heroic sacrifice.

Star Trek: First Contact - 2/10

Goddddd this one is even wooooorse.


Picard has a bad dweam about his time as Locutus of the Borg.


There’s a good image here that I did not edit in any way, it is VERY wide.

Anyways I’m sure there’s no reason this is important. Oh wait no, the Borg are back and attacking!! The Enterprise is told to fuck off to the Neutral Zone and make sure the Romulans don’t attack. Everyone is offended by this, cause >:( How DARE THEY not send us to fight, but the reason is because Picard used to be Locutus and that might be bad. I DO get it, tbh.

Anyways the pacing so far is VERY VERY weird. We have a new Enterprise, the Enterprise E. It’s not explained. Geordi doesn’t have his VISOR, and has implants, even thoguh we were told that’d be impossible before. It’s not explained.

The Federation gets their life fucking obliterated, and the Enterprise comes to save the day because of course they do. The Defiant is here, and they save it from being exploded, saving Worf, who beams over and is now part of the crew again. Can’t have TNG without Worf! They blow up the Borg Cube, but it releases a Sphere which blasts off to Earth and goes through a temporal wormhole back to the past. The Enterprise chases, and as they go, they scan that all of Earth is now Borg. They’re safe though, cause of the Temporal Wake or whatever.


It’s now 10 years later after WW3, and the Borg are attacking, the day before First Contact with the Vulcans.

One of the issues I had with the previous movie is that it was absolute terrible with its humor. It decided that Data was the comic relief character, and some of it was good, but msot of it was bad. Data’s first thing in this movie is they’re being attacked by someone with a machine gun, and he’s like “I can handle this”, and just walks at her like a terminator, soaking up all the bullets lol. THAT’S good Data comedy.


Turns out the Borg snuck onto the Enterprise! Through teleporting before their sphere blows up, I guess. I know we can scan for teleporters but ignore that here. Anyway, so they’re killing and assimilating people. Apparently it’s THAT EASY and FAST to assimilate people now??? This movie is playing it really fast and loose with everything. I guess there’s no time. But to keep the Borg away so they can escort people out of Sick Bay, they summon an EMH! EY, IT’S THE BOY! He’s used as a glorified distraction but that’s okay. Nice cameo.

The Enterprise is getting all tubilated. I really, REALLY feel a way about this. It would have been more effective and powerful if we saw the Enterprise and its crew getting slowly and painfully assimilated, but also this is a replacement enterprise that we unceremoniously have now. So maybe it wouldn’t have.

Instead now, the Borg are straight up zombies. They can assimilate you now with a single touch, but boop, nose boop, you’re now a Borg. It’s kind of stupid and I really don’t like it actually. It’s kinda ruining the Borg and turning them into something they never were. They were ALREADY scary and intimidating, because of what they were. They were many, infinite, and all powerful with disgustingly strong tech. Now they’re easy to blow up, easy to kill, but repopulate themselves through touch. Might as well be zombies.

This movie then splits into two bits. We’ve got Geordi, Troi, and Riker on the ground, trying to talk Dr. Cochrane into doing his flight that’d cause the Vulcans to show up and instigate first contact. On the Enterprise, it’s the Borg assimilating everything and killing everyone, with graphic gross body horror all the way. They saved a woman on the ground, Cochrane’s friend Lily, and she basically takes Picard hostage cause she’s terrified. Eventually Picard calms her down by showing her they’re in space, through a window. Oh sorry, not a window. A force Field hole in the Enterprise. Why? What is the purpose of this room that just has a single hole into space????

This movie seems to exist entirely on Rule of Cool but it is NOT cool enough to justify that.


Hey look we have a villain. Apparently the people in charge complained that the Borg were just zombies, so they needed to make a leader for the Borg. MAYBE IF YOU DIDN’T MAKE THE BORG EVEN MORE ZOMBIE LIKE THIS WOULDN’T BE AN ISSUE??? Anyways, this is the Borg Queen. The details around her are hazy and not well explained, but she’s here to be sexy towards Data to convince him to go over to their side.


Gonna be difficult, movie.


The Borg chase Lily and Picard into the Holodeck, with a kinda fun scene where they’re in a Dixon Hill novel, and Picard starts firing his gun wildly into the crowd. Fucking wild.

Oh hey Reg is here too. Everyone is being hero worshippy towards Cochrane, and he’s fucking weirded out about it, cause he’s a grumpy and drunk old man. He tries to run away and Riker just fucking shoots him and tells them off for weirding him out.


I watched this movie once as a child, and this is basically the ONLY part of the movie that I remembered. Worf, Picard, and some red shirt are doing chip swaps and nipple twisting in zero grav on the surface of the Enterprise, while the Borg try to turn the Deflector Dish into a beacon for present-day Borg to come and assimilate Earth. The Borg occasionally go over to stop them, because the Borg kinda sometimes don’t wanna bother fighting people. But only sometimes. I remember SPECIFICALLY thinking that Hawk was Riker in this scene as a kid, cause he gets assimilated and then killed.

Back inside, everyone is like “Captain, the Enteprise is overrun, we need to self destruct and escape on the escape pods”. Picard refuses. Everyone like “what why” “Because I said so. None of you understand the Borg like I do, so you all have to kill yourselves for this.” Everyone goes with it, except Worf who’s kicked off the bridge for speaking up, and Lily, who’s like “You’re being a sick mother fucker who just wnats to hurt the Borg back because they hurt you.” She’s totally right.

And he’s being a fucking idiot. He’s EXTREMELY out of character with this. He’s angry and pissy and lashes out, breaking shit and acting like a spoiled baby. “I WILL MAKE THEM PAY FOR WHAT THEY’VE DONE”. We’ve seen Picard dealing with the trauma for this for years. He breaks down. He cries. He freezes up. He DOES get annoyed and give up his “modern sensibilities” to do things he’d consider inhumane, like with Hugh, but… Murr. I hate this, I really do.

Anyways Lily convinces him to blow up the Enterprise, so he does. He puts in the self destruct sequence and everyone else escapes, when he hears a whisper of Data. Uh oh.


Also back on the Planet, they’re blasting off. Chochrane blasts some rock music as they blast off. What a goofball. The planet stuff for this is actually pretty good, I’m a fan. Feels MUCH more Trek than the action sequence up above.

Picard stays behind to try and save Data, and we get some Historical Revisionism. Locutus’ whole job was apparently to be a king for the Borg Queen, basically. A “bridge between humanity and borg”, that’s why he’s so important. Unfortunately, she’s found a NEW one for that. Data, who’s become an evil humonculus mother fucker. She demands he turn off the self destruct and give her control over the ship thropugh the encryption codes. He does. Oh no! She tells him to blow up Cochrane’s ship, so he fires Photon Torpedos at it. He does, but they miss. Oh, he’s been good this whole time! He says “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE”, then busts off the tanks of the reactor.

So uh yeah. Why did he turn off the self destruct, why did he give them control, why was he pretending at any point? I mean it DOES work out in the end, the reactor kills all the borg, cause the Queen falls in it, and all the Borg die cause she dies. Also he had a VERY easy chance to do that earlier, because she let him go and wander around. He could have broken the reactor then. But okay then. It all worked out in the end.


The Vulcans show up, and first contact happens. It all goes well, they leave, using the Moon’s something something to hide from the Vulcans. And boom, they’re done. Uhh, gg.

I hated this movie even more than Generations. I kept watching Generations, I wasn’t checked out. I was checked out here. This is not a Trek movie, it’s a shitty action movie. The characters are barely anything (Geordi and Crusher might as well not be here. At least Troi gets a scene where she’s drunk thats fun, but she still might as well not be here), and the ones that ARE here a lot are AWFUL, and out of character. What the FUCK, Picard? He’s so out of character and awful. You should not have put Picard screaming and swinging around a tommy gun murdering his OWN people who were assimilated, with him going “they were assimilated there’s no way to save them” WHEN HE WAS ASSIMILATED, AND THEY SAVED HIM. I hate what they did with the Borg. I hate what they did with Data. They murdered SO MANY of the Enterprise’s crew, and barely even talked about it. There was no emotional THERE there. And the pacing is all SO terrible.

I hated this. I think Generations is like, bad, but I watched it, and felt kinda not a lot. Mostly annoyed at Data. This was bad, and I ACTIVELY disliked it.

Star Trek: Insurrection - 7/10


Our movie starts with an idyllic paradise-like world. It’s a very “Look at the birds, daddy!” moment. This is a clearly pre-space flight civilization, and we’ve got Federation people there watching them with hidden bunkers and people in cloak suits. Cause I guess the federation has cloaking suits now. Data is apparently going hay-wire, and rips off his suit, so he’s just a floating head, terrifying the fuck out of the aliens, the Baku, and annoying the Feds. Data then blasts the bunkers, getting rid of the holograms and revealing them to the Baku. Oh no!


Back on the Enterprise, they’re having a fancy dinner to welcome some new aliens into the Federation. Apparently the Dominion War and the Borg have uh, made this all exhausting. Understandable, so they’re trying to find new allies. Interesting that they can just have some fancy dinner function in a war, though. IMMEDIATELY, this movie is more quippy. And not in a bad way, I LIKE Trek quipping. While on their way to the function, hey, Worf is here. He literally goes “I was in the neighborhood”. Not even coming up with a good reason to have Worf here, but at least he’s here.

An Admiral calls the Enterprise like “hey, send me Data’s schematics, he’s having issues. Do not come. We don’t want you, things here aren’t safe for your crew so please stay behind.” So obviously they show up anyway. The Federation is working with this people, the Son’a, who are kinda sketchy conquerors, so no one really knows WHY the Feds are working with them while studying the Baku.


This is the Son’a leader. He’s a smarmy sassy mother fucker, got some gay villain energy, and he has his flesh like, hooked and stretched all over him, it’s fucking creepy but not in a bad way.

Anyways so they hunt Data, who’s been attacking the Federation with a stolen ship. Picard decides its HIS job to take Data out, he’s his captain, and friend. So they go in a shuttle to fight him, and he’s clearly still functioning enough to have tactical reasoning. So how do they outsmart him? They distract him with GIlbert and Sullivan. This is very, VERY silly, and a little random, but I kinda don’t hate it. I weirdly love it. They manage to capture him.


Picard and crew then go to “rescue” those who are being held by the Baku after Data’s rampage, and we learn about them. They are actually VERY intelligent, very technologically advanced. They once had ships and warp drive capacity, but don’t really want it. “If you use machines to take the job of a man, you remove a part of the man”. They’re THOSE kinda people. They do yoga.

Also there’s some scenes where Riker and Troi are rekindling their relationship. (I originally had this as “Crusher and Troi”, because freudian slip I guess) They’re very random and don’t quite fit here, but it’s very cute actually. I love them. They are the most queer straight couple in the federation.


Unfortunately, this ends in Riker’s beard being shaved off. 0/10. Worst movie in the entire series. This goes against everything I believe in.


Though to be fair, if Marina Sirtis says “I will kiss you but only if you shave your beard”, that beard is getting shaved, I don’t care who you are.

The quips and writing in this movie are really on point so far. The actual budget feels like it’s less than the previous movies, some of the green screening is low quality. But honestly I couldn’t care less about that. Its OBVIOUS this movie is trying to be more humorous, which is interesting since the topic is so heavy.

So what HAVE the federation been doing? They’ve built a fake ship that’s just a holodeck that simulates the Baku’s planet. They were GOING to capture them and just kick them off the planet. That’s pretty fucked up. Why? Well, Picard figures it out fast. The planet’s rings cause a radiation that gives immortality, and increased vitality. Apparently this small group of Feds, working with the Son’a, are trying to steal it from them. Pretty heavy, literal colonialism. But Picard isn’t going to let them! GOD PICARD IS SO MUCH BETTER IN THIS MOVIE THAN THE LAST MOVIE, FUCKING CHRIST.


The things this radiation can do are incredible, and it makes SENSE why they’d WANT it. Geordi’s eyes are healing, and he’s seeing a sunrise for the first time. This is the best moment Geordi has had in 3 movies. In the second movie he did nothing. In the first movie he was tortured. Let the man rest.

So yeah, the Admiral explains his reasoning. He’s acting on orders from the Federation council. Due to semantics, the Prime Directive doesn’t apply here because of two reasons. 1) They don’t want it to. And 2) These people aren’t from this planet so they weren’t “meant to be immortal”, whatever that means. 3) It’s JUST 600 people :) Who cares?

Yeah it’s obviously extremely evil. And it does make sense, you get it. It’s just… how people work. And it’s all politics. Apparently the Son’a are going to blow up the planet to get all the particles and use them to fix their conditions immediately, so the Federation are doing this to SAVE the Baku in their eyes. Cause otherwise the Baku would have just killed them, blowing it up. But yeah, it’s orders. Picard has to stop.

So he doesn’t. He quits. He tries to leave quietly, but everyone else notices. And what to do they do?


Exactly what you’d expect.

The Baku leave to try and reach some caves, which will block teleporters. They’re trying to keep people on the planet long enough for the Enterprise to go and make things Political.


We’ve got some character stuff here. Data’s role here is to connect to a kid, and try to figure out what its like to be a kid. Picard is having romance moments with a lady who’s lived here for 300 years. Troi and Crusher get to shoto guns. Worf is uh, going through puberty. Lots of jokes about Klingon puberty. Data makes a joke about his tits. Okay, not ALL the jokes land. Those are huge anti-jokes. Poor Worf. I guess we have too many characters in this show for ALL the characters to be good and have things to do in a movie. Unlike y’know, a tv show that’s 1/4th the length.

Riker and Geordi are on the Enterprise trying to escape, but are attacked, while being negatively effected by the briar patch. They’re hit really hard, and have to eject the warp core, but at least we get to see the Enterprise-E DO something.

There’s also a Trill pilot on the Enterprise. Riker says he’s going to release the ramscoop and shove it down the Son’a’s throats, and she gives him this look.


Christ on the cross, she can shove her ramscoop down MY throat.


Romantic moment with Picard and the older lady. She almost dies from a cavein, but he distracts her enough to keep her with them. It’s not bad. I’m not super into the romance, but it’s not the worst. But as they escape, both Picard and the lady, Anij, are teleported off the planet.

But we get a plot twist, something Crusher finds out. The Son’a and the Baku are the same people. The Son’a broke off years ago from the others, wanting to go back to being space faring peoples, and were exiled. Now enraged and seeking revenge, they really actually want to just kill their own people. Also this being an internal fued within a species, this now makes it a prime directive matter. Which makes sense why the Son’a never brought it up. The Son’a leader murders the Admiral with a face stretch scene thats horrifying.

Picard convinces the villain’s second in command to turn on him, in a good scene. “You disgust me. A coward too scares to stop an atrocity.” “Is this how the Federation pleads for its life?” “I’m not pleading for my life. I’m pleading for your’s.” And it WORKS. This is how you write a Picard. Kill them with words. Not with a tommy gun.

They manage to outsmart them by making them shift their shield for a small second, and while they do, they teleport them into the holodeck ship. And while they fuck around on that, the others teleport onto the Son’a’s ship and take over. There’s a GREAT scream from the villain, Ruo’fo, as he fidns out what happens. It is VERY funny and goofy. “UUWAAOOOWWW!”


Picard and Ruo’fo teleport onto the collector, Ruo’fo to make it launch, Picard to stop him, and it becomes a giant action fight scene in the collector that’s gonna blow up the ship. It ends with Picard potentially sacrificing himself as it explodes, but the Enterprise makes it JUST in time (after the Enterprise plays chicken with them), and Ruo’fo explodes. They COULD have saved him I guess, but eh. Whatever. Fuck him I guess. It’s an actiony movie, it fits. Though it IS weird of them lol

The Son’a 2nd in command reunites with his mom, and all’s well that ends well. The Federation is “halting the Baku relocation” to do some checking to see if it’s very illegal (it is), Data frolicks in the hay bales and has fun, before its time to go home, his mom is calling him. But they can’t stay, it’s time to go home, and leave the Baku to where they want to be.

Movie over, GG.

Maybe it’s cause I hated the last two so much, but this was pretty good? Good crew moments, good quips, maybe a little too much jokes, but still very enjoyable. It’s like, on par with Star Trek 3. A fine movie. Pretty Trekky. Very inconsequential to the plot of the series as a whole, but eh, whatcha gonna do. Not their fault they kept bringing back the Borg Queen instead of the Son’a.