

Yo, Yesterday I finished up a massive 20 hour playthrough of Cave Noire, a really great game.

I also played DeJig: Lassen. Or Lassen Dejig, as I kept calling it, cause it’s right there at the top.

It’s uh, a jigsaw puzzle game for the Sega Saturn. It took me 8 hours. 8 hours yesterday of Jigsaw puzzles. My brain is a mush.

I spent most of that time doing it while watching youtube videos with my girlfriend, as a nice pleasant and chill date. That actually went well, it was great, and this game reminds me of the Tetris world records now.

Uh, it’s a jigsaw game for some guy named Lassen’s art, which the game’s intro documentary video say are renowned the world over, but I couldn’t find a wikipedia article for this dude, so maybe not THAT renowned. The pictures look like they’re like, 200p, and are impossible to tell apart cause everything is fucking blue, this dude loves his water art. The music is relaly nice though! It’s chill and watery synths, and then as you solve the puzzle, more instrumentation comes in, which makes it really annoying for me to rip and put on Youtube so I dunno if I’ll bother lmfao

Also when you beat a puzzle, it gives you a single congratulation that they had just lyin’ around the video game make place.

Anyways there are four of these things on the Saturn, help.