Daedalian Opus

Daedalian Opus

Look not every game I do has to be some big event.

I dunno why I discovered this game. Or why I fell in love with it. But I did. I speedran it way back in the day. It’s not a good speedrun. It’s barely a good game. It’s a 1990 puzzle game by Vik Tokai, and is very simple. You have some blocks, and you have a boaord. You can flip and rotate the blocks. Fill it in. It is a very simple pentomino jigsaw puzzle game, with a goofy silly name.

It’s nice pleasant little music that is nice for when you’re puzzling through a puzzle. The puzzles are all the same every time, and there are 36 of them. After puzzles you’re often given a new piece, which is then added to your pile, so it gets progressively more complex. It starts with just like simple rectangles, and then becomes almost art pieces, things that look like rockets and shit.

The set was VERY simple, only progression. So I beat it in like 20 minutes. I don’t have much more to say. It’s Daedalian Opus, baybee. It’s not complex, but it doesn’t need to be. It’s just pleasant.