
So, there’s a homebrew Genesis game called Crazybus. It’s pretty infamous. You play as a bus and it can move left and right. You can honk the horn. That’s about it. CrazySonic is a romhack of Sonic 1 where you play as one of the Venezualan busses from Crazybus.


You are invincible, except for crushing. You move slow as shit. Some levels are literally impossible, I SWEAR that Marble Act 2 is not possible, because you need to platform too fast through crushers. However, there are some options you can change! You can turn on a turbo button to help, and also, you can turn on the “Yellow Submarine” mode, which allows you to fly through the air as a yellow submarine. The song plays the entire time, so I had to mute my game to stream this.

It’s just Sonic 1 otherwise. It’s very memey and dumb, but that’s kind of the appeal, right?