
Before you say anything, yes. I agree. Terraria is not a retro game. According to Lizstar’s Law of Retro Gaming, the cutoff is 17 years, because AVGN’s first episode on Castlevania 2 came out 17 years after the game did, so that’s at LEAST the cut off. And this came out in 2011, so it’s not THAT old. Yet. But it’s getting there!

Retro Achievements isn’t really about retro games exclusively. There’s lots of homebrew and modern releases on there. This is not out of the ordinary. What IS out of the ordinary is how it’s on the site. Not the 3DS port or anything, the actual PC port. How come? Well, it’s a mod that connects the game to the RA servers. This makes Terraria the second standalone game on the site. It actually has four sets connected to it, on top of the original, with subsets for difficulty, and item collecting, and whatnot. But I didn’t do those. I just did the basic achievements. Again.

I’ve already mastered Terraria. Years and years ago. This is one of my top played games on Steam for a reason, I really love it, and for a while I replayed it once a year. It had been a few years though, so this was an EXCELLENT excuse.


All of the pictures I put here are gonna be pretty houses I stole off Google, sorry. My house was ugly.

Terraria is a survival crafty tree puncher game. People called it “2D Minecraft” when it came out, but its far more than that. Minecraft is much more sandboxy, with no real goal. This has VERY clear goals. It has bosses. It has a real end game. And honestly? A LOT more content than Minecraft. At least, since I last played Minecraft. It’s gotten updates. It has bees now!

Terraria also has updates. A lot of them. A looooot of them. Terraria being updated every year is a huge meme to me, and I love it. “This is the last update, we swear”, they say. In 2178, when the Human race is extinct and we are but rust and dust and rusty dust, a single server will blink to life as the next Terraria update is uploaded to it.


Honestly? I don’t have much to say about Terraria. It’s fantastic, go play it. Especially good for multiplayer, though sadly you can NOT get hardcore achievements in multiplayer on RA. A tragedy. The only bad thing about the set is the 200 fisher quest achievement. I’ve done that now twice. Never. Again.