
This is basically going to be the same thing as the immediate previous entry. This is Steamgear Mash. I made this set myself, because I’m one of the only people who cares about it. I’ve talked about this game already, at length, on this website. Go click on the Steamgear Mash tab and take a look at that review.


The only thing I can add about Steamgear Mash I haven’t said before, is that this is the game I made that got me to graduate. When it comes to programming and ram watching, the Saturn has a bad rap. And I had already done another Saturn game, Tryrush Deppy, which I didn’t master yet because I had such an awful time devving the set I didn’t even want to fucking look at it anymore. The RAM in that game was a nightmare and I had an awful time. THIS game was so much better its not even funny. Everything was relatively easy to find, easy to program, didn’t set off any weird problems with other RAM. It was just a pleasant ol’ time, tbh.

So thank you to Steamgear Mash for getting me over that hurdle. It took me literally EXACTLY one year to graduate from Jr. Dev to full Dev. Here’s to more games, and hopefully no more like Tryrush Deppy.