
So recently I mastered Zelda 2 on the NES. In order to master that set I had to play the game four times. What do you do after spending so much time beating a game four times? BEAT IT MORE TIMES. Yes, for some god damn reason, I felt like mastering ANOTHER version of Zelda 2.


This is the NES Classics series, a special series of games released on GBA which are basically just emulated versions of classic NES games. There were 30 games released, though in North America and Europe we only got 12 games. Many of these are black box games, but you have some other classics in there, too. The list is as follows: Donkey Kong, Excitebike, Ice Climber, Zelda, SMB, Dr. Mabio, Metroid, Zelda 2, Bomberman, Pac-man, Xevious, and Castlevania. This is honestly a pretty good cast of games. Japan got a lot of the other black box games, and a few other classics like Kid Icarus, SMB2 (lost levels), Mappy, and Ghosts n Goblins.

These are pretty accurately emulated. There was actually a lot of emulation going on with the GBA. It could emulate the NES, and it could ALSO emulate the original Gameboy and Gameboy Color. Yes, emulate. Not like, actual hardware, emulation.


The main issue is that the aspect ratio of the GBA is a little funky, so the game looks weird, AND the colors that the GBA can display aren’t QUITE right. This was mostly noticable because I had literally just played the NES version. A few sounds are also off, not bad but noticably a little off. But other than that, it’s pretty surpisingly accurate. And… yeah, that’s it. It’s Zelda 2. This time I only had to play it twice! How exciting. I don’t have much more to add about Zelda 2. It’s damn good.